Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Briefing room 1

To those unaware to the meaning of this poster will now be briefed.
How, may I ask does a building 110 stories, 1368 thousand feet tall collapse in under 10 seconds? Interesting...
To understand something so grand we must dive into the deep dark realm of LOGIC!

Government official story:
After "terrorists" flew hijacked 757 Boeing aircraft and crashed it into the building, all the fire retardant asbestos on the steel (covering the area) was "blown" off, and the planes jet fuel raged. Due to the "intense" heat from the fires, the steel trusts began to weaken and eventually the rods "melted" (or structurally failed) causing one floor to collapse and thus a domino (pancake) effect throughout the rest of the building.

These isolated pockets of fire in each building burned at around 599 degrees for under 2 hours.

Steel has a melting point of 2750 degrees  or higher, so that automatically can't be true.
But if you're still skeptical..
Consider this.
Never in the age of man, has a steel structured building collapsed because of a fire, or fires.
WTC1, 2 and 7 were in fact the first claimed in history.

A quick overview on other flaming structures.
On july 14th, 1945 a B-52 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building.
Several floors on fire...
No collapse!
On Feb. 14 1975, a three alarm fire broke out between the 9th and 14th floors of the north WTC tower.
(Under heavy scrutiny, they decide to install sprinklers.)
No collapse!
On May 4th 1988 a 62 story skyscraper burned for over three hours between 4 floors.
No collapse!
On Feb 23 1991, a 38 story building in Philadelphia (built in 1973) burned for over 19 hours on 8 floors.
No collapse!
On Oct. 17th 2004 a 56 story scraper in South America (built in 1976) burned for over 17 hours between 26 floors, eventually reaching the roof.
No collapse.
And in Feb. 2005, the Windsor building in Madrid Spain burned furiously for 20+ hours.
The building had severe damage but did not collapse, and was still strong enough to hold a crane at the top! 
It doesn't hold much water concluding fires caused this.
You can let a steel furnace burn for hours, or roast a stew all day long in a steel pot, and the metal won't melt or deform. 

So if jet fuel fires weren't responsible then what? 
What can rapidly melt factory grade structural steel?
What can pulverize millions of pounds of concrete into dust, and send giant steel trusts the size of buses crashing 500 feet through the air and into surrounding buildings?

Thermite and explosives could.
That's right, thermite is an aluminum iron oxide compound that is extremely flammable.
When ignited, it burns at about 4000 degrees f. More than enough heat to eat through steel.

So if  thermite is responsible then how could it have gotten into the building?
Many of the WTC staff recalled strange drills, weeks before the attack.
Unidentified men in white jumpsuits entered the premise.
Workers heard loud banging and heavy objects being moved. (large amounts of debris were found in these emptied rooms)
Security cameras and power were shut off temporarily. This took place prior to 911 (which before was unheard of) 
The bomb sniffing dogs were also removed.
Jeb Bush (George's lil' brother) was also head of security.

On the day of 911, what actually happened was stretched quite a bit on the media.
Countless people remember hearing several explosions. (before, during, and after planes hit)
Will Rodriguez (WTC custodian) along with many others witnessed both the WTC1 & 2 basements explode. This was also before the "attack".

Was this to prepare for the oncoming explosions?

When the Trade Centers came down, there were numerous squibs (demo. explosions) that are noticeable on several floors in the videos. (fig. 1)
The center column of the buildings were also slashed at an angle, and around the cuts and surrounding area contained pools of molten metal. (fig. 3)

What most people haven't heard about is the WTC7 collapse. (fig. 2)
WTC7 was the Mayor's bunker, it had confidential scandalous records (including the Enron fuck ups) and it was a CIA headquarters unit.

This building would collapse on sept. 11th 2001 at 5:30 pm.
WTC7 had few small fires on some floors, but many of the other surrounding buildings were more greatly damaged. "Officials" claim that generators caught flame and exploded.


So what do all these buildings have in common?

1. Molten metal found in all three.
2. All collapsed at free fall speed through the path of most resistance.
3. All have numerous characteristics of a precise demolition.
4. They were all owned by Larry Silverstien 

The man mentioned in the fourth place is the share holder for the Trade Center complex.
Months before the attack, he bought a 99 year 2 billion dollar lease on the buildings specifically covering acts of terrorism.
He later walks away with more than 7 billion.

And for the hijackers?
Government media and racism will cover that.
Most of the alleged hijackers couldn't even fly a small plane let alone a commercial jet. And many of the men are still alive to this day. How could a suicide bomber be alive after crashing a goddamn airplane through a building?
Because America is full of gullible dumb fat rednecks that's why.
What the hell motive do these people have?
"They're radical fuckers who hate us and want us dead"
That doesn't sound like a good motive, yet you hear it out of FoX newscasters and Bill O's mouth constantly.

The only motive that makes sense is MONEY!
and America wants  money. Silverstien wants money Bush wants money all the government wants is bloody filthy money. and they're getting it by the billions.
With good ol' fashion war!
9/11 gave Bush the right to illegally put us at war with the middle east.
They even forged the Osama Bin Laden tape to convince americans that he confessed to it.
He didn't confess to it ever.
Would you if that's who they were blaming?
He didn't on tape,
And I sure as shit hell wouldn't either.
People don't take the time to realize that if you put a real picture of his face next to that tape, you would know right away that it wasn't him.

If you still don't believe this, then ask yourself.
If America is such a technologically advanced army of  superior beings capable of erecting an intelligence system that has a military air and navy fleet backing it by satellite.
Then how in the holy fuck does it get mislead by 20 odd some cave dwelling Muslims.
This is one of the most elaborate expensive meticulous attacks ever conceived.
Oh, and by the way that intelligence system is called NORAD. (The North American Aerospace Defense) 
This system has 100% accuracy on every mission alert and report, until 9/11 when Dick Cheney had direct control over the bunker. And this was also the first time a president or vice president took lead of it.

I could go on for days about this, shanks ville, and the pentagon thousands of unanswered questions, but my neck is killing me and you'd do better off just looking at the facts for yourself.

Here are some great films covering these subjects:
Loose Change
9/11 Mysteries
Control Room
America: from freedom to fascism
Terror Storm: a history of government sponsored terror

Pictures of WTC7 molten demo cuts and more at the bottom.

Take action and spread the 911 TRUTH!!


Curiousgymnast said...

Holy fucking shit!! Some proof that the metal was cut into a slant, is if you watch the towers collapse they go towards a side and then go down. That's just totally insane. How could the gov. just do that to everyone? They lies, the people that jumped out of the buliding just to escape this heat chamber, or the explosions as you put it. INSANE!!! STUPID ASSHOLE GOVERNMENT. The metal couldn't melt if it was at the degrees the report said it was, why can't anyone get a straight answer out of these people?! Did you ever see that movie about the group of women that tried to get the truth out of Bush and Chaney? It was funny how they made Bush look like and ass hole, not saying that he doesn't already, but you know. He said that when he was imformed about the attcks he left where ever he was right away to deal with it, he is such a liar. They had a tape of him sitting there for like 10 minutes until he left, he looked like such a jerk. But, why would someone or some people be greedy enough to take the lives of thousands of innocent people just for MONEY. Guh, people make me sick. (This is Haley and Steph, by the way.) It's just insane how greedy people can be, they never fail to surprise me. When I think they have reached rock bottom they fall another level, into SUPER ROCK BOTTOM(as put by Steph.)Just, guh, yeah, guh. With, so many questions still unanswered shouldn't we as the people take the power away from the government?

Cambo said...

Yes, we should take the power!

Oh, and here's a good video of Bush being a jackass about 9/11.

Awesomeness said...

Wow, that's just amazing how he can just lie about this kind of thing. I didn't have anyone that was in those towers, but I did watch this video of people that actually jumped out of the towers and hit the ground instead of burning to death. Man, he is such a jack ass. I wonder how many other times he lied about things that happened. Can we really trust this guy?

Indigo Lynx said...

So, I try to tell my god damn parents about this and im called a terrrorist lover and that im stupid as fuck. Well, now i'm pissed because this makes so mich more sense than what we've been told. I'm so god damn pissed because im not being listened too. I assume you know what that feels like but still, it fucking sucks!

Curiousgymnast said...

This just so fucking stupid! why would you want to kill so many people for money? GREED!!!! Why do people care so much about money? It should not be that big of a deal! we should just go back to trading! Oh and Indigo Lynx, I'm sorry your parents called you that. I hate that too! when parents or adults won't listen to your views because they are so close minded to think their one way or to think that kids don't know anything about this. The truth is that kid's voices should be heard because sometime we know more and plus it impacts us SOOO much. We are the future as everyone says so do you really want to deal with all of this? I know that I sure as hell don't

Cambo said...

I know what it feels like.
But it's okay.
The truth is the truth....
At least some people can make sense of it and, hopefully help make a difference.